Commercial companies have a lot on their hands, with hard work and challenging clients. The last thing on their minds is the maintenance of the building, all the more particularly your roof maintenance. The roof of a commercial building is always prone to harsh weather conditions such as the scorching sun, frost, snow, rain and hailstones. Often roofs face more damage than we think and the problem with damaged roofs is that your building will start facing linkages, rusting and will invite homeless creatures into your roof.

Quality Fix Roofing is experienced at helping you maintain your roof. We understand the work and the effort that goes into your company therefore we’ll take the burden off from you and will offer you the service of maintaining your roof. For over 20 years we have been specialising in commercial roofing, roof maintenance, roof repairs and roof restoration.

Our roof maintenance is extremely beneficial for your commercial roof because:

  1. It will save you money

Our roof maintenance will save you money because with regular maintenance you will not need to pay for costly repairs and emergency repairs. Treating a roof only when it is completely damaged will cost you an arm and a leg therefore be wise and avoid that struggle, rather choose a regular roof maintenance from us.

  1. It expands your roofs lifespan

Your roof will last even longer when you get our regular roof maintenance. The reason for the increase in lifespan is because your roof won’t be damaged, it will just need a little touch ups here and there. And these touch ups will fight any rust or any other damage that your roof may possibly have.

  1. Provides protection and security

A well maintained roof will provide your company’s building with shelter over the heads of your employees, and this will mean that they will be protected from harsh weather conditions as well as from any dangerous objects that may enter from the outside.

  1. Will keep your building looking good

Our roof maintenance leaves your roof looking as new as ever. Your roof will continuously look new and this will keep your entire building looking good and professional. Once your appearance is taken care of, you will be sure to attract more clients to your business.

  1. It will maintain the room temperature

Imagine having a roof that is so damaged that there are licks and rust which resulted in holes.. This will mean that weather conditions will affect the way your employees work. In summer your place will be extremely hot and when it rains the roofs will allow water linkages. In winter your building will be cold because the holes in the roof will allow the ice cold wind from entering your building.

We will take care of your roof maintenance.

Roof sheet with zinc/galvanizing layer

However the roof is subject to heavy wear and tear from hail, rain, scorching sun and heat, pollution, acid rain, wind, etc. These factors gradually wear away the protective zinc/galvanizing layer and at that point the roof will begin to rust.

Rust untreated will not stop. It continues to eat away at the roof sheets to the point where the roof has rust holes in it, causing leaks and possibly costly damage to the inside of the building, stock, computers, factory equipment, machinery, etc. Finally the roof is damaged beyond repair and will require replacement which is often unforeseen, unplanned and exceptionally costly.

Mildly rusted roof

Severely rusted roof

Not only do these environmental factors cause the roof sheets to rust but they also cause damage to other roof components like screws, skylights, gutters, flashings, etc.

Both the S.A.B.S. and the C.S.I.R. advise that roof sheeting should be painted/coated 2-3 years after installation so that no serious damage to the protective zinc/galvanizing layer occurs. This will optimize protection of the zinc /galvanizing layer against the harmful effects of rain/acid rain, pollutants, sun, wind, etc. If the roof sheeting is painted correctly at this time and the painting is repeated where required through regular maintenance, the roof sheeting will be preserved indefinitely

Rust hole

Rust hole in roof sheet, causing leaks

Severely rusted sheet, posing a safety hazard

Severely rusted sheet, posing a safety hazard

The roof of your building constitutes a very large percentage of the total investment in the building, an investment that should be cared for to prevent loss. The roof is often neglected as it is not seen. This neglect can be incredibly costly.

As in the case of a motor car, it is far better and much more economical in the long run to maintain a roof regularly than to wait until serious problems are apparent which could cost a small fortune to rectify, or worse still, to find the roof needs replacement.

If avoiding serious roof damage and unnecessary financial losses is important to your company, then commencing roof maintenance as soon as possible is vital. This will ensure that you get the longest possible life from your roof, considerably reduce long term costs, leaks and damage.

Roof Rust Control

Severely rusted gutters

Early and regular roof maintenance in accordance with certain C.S.I.R. and S.A.B.S. advices and recommendations puts the roof owner in a winning position both practically and financially.

These are the reasons why many large, success oriented property corporations are now adopting the policy of regular, and early roof maintenance.

Roof Maintenance and Repairs
Roof Maintenance and Repairs

Roofs that have been repaired, treated for rust and painted


7 ways to help you with choosing the right roofing specialist

Choosing the right roofing specialist is not an easy job. There are many elements to consider and it all comes down to your convenience, safety and budget. Your budget is one of the main elements to consider, but do not choose a roofing company on the basis of price alone.

Below are 7 tips to consider when making your choice on which roofing company to use.

  • Get at least 3 Quotations

Get a minimum of 3 quotes through local referrals. This will assist you with evaluating and comparing their features, products, installation practices, pricing, warranty of roofing products and after installation written warranty.


  • How long has the company been in existence?

A well established company will communicate when any questions arise. They will be able to keep you informed of the project updates. The longer they are in business, the more their experience and knowledge is.


  • Is the company licence and insured?

Make sure the roofing company is licensed and insurance is up to date. Without insurance you could be vulnerable to a various risks. This includes damage to your property or personal injury.


  • Get references from previous companies

Ask for references of previous customers. For an unbiased opinion, you can do your own research by searching online articles or reviews. In South Africa, check Hellopeter and other similar forums. Some roofing manufacturers have a listing of ranked recognized roofers on their websites.


  • Get a written contract in place

Does the company issue a written contract and estimate? Job specifications and prices should be noted in a written quote. Review the contract thoroughly with the contractor to clarify any questions or concerns that you might have.


  • Stable business premises, staff and equipment.

Does the roofing company have a stable office, support staff and warehouse? Where is the location? A permanent business address is a sign of stability. This may become important for contacting them again should you require warranty repair service at a later date.


  • Concerned about safety.

Is your roofing specialist concerned about safety? If not, he is probably not the right contractor for you. A roofing company must be concerned about the safety of his workman, himself and your safety at all times. This means that he will take extra precaution about ensuring that your roof is completed in excellent quality.

Doing regular roof repairs not only helps you now, it is extremely beneficial for you and your home for the future. It is better to check and find any problem areas before they escalate as this method will result in less money being spent in the long run.

We’ve outlined 10 reasons why you should regularly repair the roof of your home.

# 1. Protect Optimally

It is important to perform regular maintenance because you have to protect your building as best possible. Using the best quality material will create the best conditions for your home as it will last longer and save you time in the long run.

# 2. Improving Aesthetic

A great reason is to beautify your home. The roof is an important part of the exterior of the building. When there are small amounts of damage the quality of the building is affected. Repairing a roof can provide inspiration for additional designs at a later stage.

 # 3. Avoiding Risk

There are many risks associated with weather conditions such as rains and storms. In addition, risks such as leakage are also avoided.

# 4. Saving you Money

When you complete periodic checks, you find any problems long before they become bigger problems. This also means that waiting for a problem to become bigger will cost you more money to rectify.

# 7. Peace of mind

You have peace of mind knowing that all occupants of a building are well protected from weather elements. These elements not only include weather but other animals and unwanted humans too.

 # 8. Insurance claims

When your roof is in disrepair, your insurance claim (dependant on what you are claiming for) could be rejected if found that the roof was the cause of the problem. Insurance companies insist that regular maintenance on your entire house be carried out timeously.

#9. Value of property increase

Repairing your roof on time increases the value of your property. When your home is in great condition, you can sell your home at a profitable price according to its worth.

#10. Boost energy efficiency

By regularly maintaining your roof, your energy bills will be kept low. This is done by controlling heat loss which results in energy efficiency. Your roof holds heat within the building and any holes where heat can escape results n your heating system to work harder than it should.

Our homes are our most prized possession; this is where you can relax, be yourself and enjoy quality time with family and friends. However, our homes require some maintenance that definitely goes a long way in ensuring that we are protected and sheltered from the storm. Having a leaking or faulty roof can spell disaster for you in your home and this can impact the value of your property. As people we buy property because we want to increase our value. A home is an asset and not a liability but when it starts to fall apart due to poor maintenance and neglect it probably could be well on its way to decreasing in value and become more of a liability to you. How often you should expect to be making repairs to your roof and knowing who to turn to can be a bit challenging with limited or no information?

Restoring the value or adding value to your property varies consequently. How much damage has been done and the repair process can help restore or add value to your property. Installing a new roof can be a costly investment to make. The fact is that replacing an old, worn out or damaged roof can improve property value, however there are several different factors to consider in order to determine how the value will be affected.

If you were to attempt to sell your home today with a damaged roof, it is likely that a potential buyer would make a below-market offer because of the condition of the roof. In order for a home to be sold at a fair market value, it is assumed that the property is in average condition or is in a similar condition as other homes that are selling in the area. So if your home is not up to standard it will likely sell for much less or not sell at all. Replacing your roof could actually help your property to once again be valued at a fair market value.

Restoring or fixing your roof can have an impact on the value of your property. This will allow you to sell your home faster and for a more reasonable price. Taking the time to maintain the roof where necessary will keep your property in a good condition and it will keep you and your family safe from weather elements.

Damage to your roof can be very expensive and most of the time this expense is unplanned but cannot be avoided once you detect the problem. Rust usually appears as an orange, red or brown powder on the surface of the metal. Once rust forms, the absorbent surface will trap additional liquids and lead to further corrosion- more damage to your roof. It is best to repair the roof quickly by removing the rust and coating it with a protective sealant or paint which will keep the damage at a minimum. Many rust-damaged metal roofs have been painted over without repair the damage, leading to moisture intrusion into the house and long term damager to your property. When doing maintenance work to your roof, make sure that the job is done well as this will save an unending list of expenses.

Rust stains can also be found on non-metal roofs where rainwater has washed rust from metal roof components, such as chimneys and antenna mounts. Inspect these items for rust damage before making repairs- something may need to be replaced. It is also important to do some inspection for yourself; test the stains on your roof to see what they might be. If the stain is, in fact, rust, and not algae, mold, moss or soot from the chimney, inspect nearby metal components for rust damage then you can begin the repair process. In most cases roof damage is as a result of rust.

When roof rust is left untreated it will not stop developing. It will continue to eat away at the metal roof sheets to the point where rust holes will be evident in the roof, causing leaks and possible damage to the inside of the building. If this problem is managed over time you will need to replace the roof completely which would be extremely costly. Therefor it is vital to treat roof rust early and paint a protective coating to prevent further roof and rust damage.

We recommend making regular inspections of your roof and making the necessary repairs regularly. A metal roof that is not properly maintained has a very short lifespan and therefore making it costly for a home or business owner.

Rust also has the quality to weaken metal objects and immobilize them. The presence of rust on a roof can in turn affect the whole structure and eventually weaken the whole building. It also expends the affected parts; rust possesses more volume than iron such that its formation on the affected area will push away adjacent or adjoining parts. This process is known as rust-smacking which renders structures vulnerable to damage caused by gravity, impact and weather elements.

The amount of damage rust can do to your building is extreme and very costly. Be sure to keep up with regular maintenance and ensure to paint a protective layer to improve the lifespan of your roof.

We are the best roofing specialist in South Africa. Our speciality lies in roof maintenance and roof repairs. Everybody knows that a roof in disrepair is more than just an eye sore, it’s a crucial part of protection. When it comes to getting your roof in tip top shape it is best to do some research before making your choice.

Deciding on which roofing specialist to use to get your roof in great condition requires certain criteria that needs to be met. Below we’ve outlined the main reasons why we are the best and facts about us that will convince you that we are the team to use for your project.

Interesting facts about our roof maintenance and roof repairs

  • Quality Fix Roofing was established in 1993 and has been operating as a registered business since 1996.
  • We have over 20 years of experience in the roofing industry.
  • We are leading roofing contractors specializing in industrial and commercial roofing.
  • We provide specialised roof maintenance, roof repairs and roof restoration.
  • We are committed to a high standard of customer service by establishing and maintaining a good cooperative working relationship with our clients.
  • Quality Fix Roofing has a long proven track record of top quality service and workmanship delivered on time with guaranteed quality and client satisfaction.
  • Our extensive experience with experts (*S.A.B.S, C.S.I.R, etc.) in the roofing and corrosion fields and incorporated their specifications and guidelines into a number of our specifications.
  • We’ve established a practical and cost effective approach to long term roof maintenance and repairs.
  • Our clients can significantly prolong the life of their roof and avoid hefty roof replacement costs.
  • Our mission is to establish roof maintenance as a genuine investment for our clients.
  • We make use of reputable suppliers and utilise high quality products.
  • Our paint suppliers provide guarantees to their exceptional quality products.


Our Mission Statement

To professionally and ethically service our clients with excellent quality specialized roof maintenance and repairs and roof restoration, thus extending the lifespan of our clients’ roof, maximising the return on our client’s property investment and saving them money.

Finding a commercial roofing specialist in your area is not an easy task. It is important to choose commercial roofing specialist that will not cost you an arm and a leg. Added to that, a roofing specialist must be reliable and ability to get the job done correctly in a short space of time is paramount. That is why you should use Quality Fix Roofing for all your commercial roofing specialist needs to ensure that your roof is in tip top shape in a short space of time.

We are leading roofing contractors specializing in the field commercial roofing projects, roof maintenance, roof repairs and roof restoration.  We have over 20 years of experience in the field.

We are committed to a high standard of customer service. We do this by establishing and maintaining a great working relationship with our clients. We have a long proven track record of top quality service and workmanship delivered on time with guaranteed quality and client satisfaction.

We work with experts such as S.A.B.S and C.S.I.R in the roofing and corrosion fields. We’ve incorporated their specifications and guidelines into a number of our specifications. These guidelines help establish an exceptionally cost effective approach to long term roof maintenance and repairs. This allows our clients to significantly prolong the life of their roof and avoid hefty roof replacement costs. We’ve succeeded our mission that has been to make roof maintenance a genuine investment for our clients.


Our Commercial roofing services include:

We are the best Industrial & Commercial Roofing Specialists

When it comes to Industrial and Commercial Roofing contractors, we are superior to our competitors. Our advanced knowledge and experience provides the foundation on which our business is built on. Our extensive range of services, making use of high quality materials and qualified workman guarantees that your roof is handled by professional industrial and commercial roofing specialists.



Roof maintenance, roof repairs and roof restoration services include:


If you don’t believe us, below are what some of our prominent clients had to say about us.


“Over the past 5 years Quality Fix Roofing have completed several roofing projects at the Consol Wadeville and Klipoortjie sites; the largest of which was valued at over 2.7 million rand.
The various contracts at our sites were managed very professionally from start to finish and have allowed the plant to get on with business as usual. Vincent, the site manager and his team have consistently provided an excellent service and have maintained exceptionally high working standards”

Alessandro Mayers Consol – Business Development Manager


De Beers
“I would also like to express my sincere appreciation for your ongoing assistance in addressing all and any issues and concerns along the way. Your professionalism and diligence is outstanding.
We at De Beers would highly recommend your services to anyone seeking help with their roofing requirements”

Mr. P Mokgohlwa De Beers – Maintenance Manager

We are the roofing experts and have 20 years’ experience. We are leading roofing contractors that specializes in large industrial and commercial roofing projects, roof maintenance and repairs, roof restoration and roof painting.

We remain committed to a high standard of customer service level. We do this by establishing and maintaining a good cooperative working relationship with our clients. We constantly work on our long proven track record of top quality service and workmanship delivered on time with guaranteed quality and client satisfaction.

What we have to say about roof maintenance and repairs

Detecting roofing problems early can save you quite a bit of money.  Here are some signs to lookout for:

Roof types

  • Most houses have pitched (raised) roofs covered in tiles or slate.
  • Tilesare commonly produced from cement or clay. Cement tiles should generally last from 40-50 years. Clay tiles lasts longer than that and costs slightly more.
  • Slateis hard-wearing but rarely used because of its cost. More slates than tiles are needed because of how they overlap.
  • Many outbuildings and garages as well as some extensions, have flat roofs. Felt is a common covering but newer materials such as fibreglass and PVC are now used.

What you should look for

Finding these early warning signs can prevent more costly problems.

Tiled roofs

  • Damp or leaks may be a sign of a cracked or slipped tile.
  • If a tile has blown off, it should be replaced quickly. This prevents water from penetrating the felt underneath. Also, more tiles can be dislodged in high winds because of one missing tile.

Flat roofs

  • Cracks or splitting around the edges.
  • Sagging – as water builds up boards can break under the weight.
  • Damp patches on the ceiling – the roof may have a tear.

Take a step back and check your flat roof from the ground every now and then. If you spot uneven lumps this might mean that repairs needs to e done.

Roof repairs

  • An experienced DIYer might have the ability to fix small problems on one-storey buildings.
  • Cleaning out gutters at lower levels allows water to flow away. However, it is best to leave some jobs to professionals.
  • If you use a ladder, ensure that someone assist you in securing the ladder.

Annual roof surveys

It is best to have your roof and gutters inspected yearly. This ensures that any problems are detected early enough before they turn into bigger problems.

Trying to find the best roofing contractors around is not an easy task. There are many fly-by night contractors out there that do nothing for you, except to prove that they are not the best at what they do. Our business is proud to show you that we are the best roof restoration contractors around and below are the reasons why you should choose us.

We were established in 1993 and have been a registered company since 1996. Our extensive 20 year experience makes us one of the leading roofing contractors. We specialize in the field of industrial and commercial roofing projects, roof maintenance as well as roof repairs and roof restoration.

Our dedication to high standards of customer service is maintained through establishing an excellent working relationship with our clients. We have a proven track record of top quality service and workmanship delivered on time using superb quality and client satisfaction.

Our working experience with experts such as S.A.B.S, C.S.I.R, etc. in the roofing and corrosion fields ensures that we incorporate their guidelines ensures that our service delivery is impeccable. This results in a high quality maintenance prolonging the life of the roof. This means that you avoid hefty replacement costs.

Workmanship & Guarantee Policies

Quality Fix Roofing provides a very swift, ethical and effective guarantee system. After–sales service that we provide surpasses our competitors’ values.

We offer real 1 year, 5 year and 10 year craftsmanship and materials guarantees. We also provide ongoing roof maintenance plans. These are in line with the recommendations and predictions by *C.S.I.R., S.A.B. S., and reputable manufacturers. Guarantee claims are attended to in a responsible and ethical manner. Our guarantees are customised according your needs, budget and work completed.



High Quality products

We make use of reputable suppliers with top quality products. Our paint suppliers provide excellent quality paint products and provide guarantees too.


We have full insurance cover includes Public Liability.



Social Responsibility



Choosing us is one of the best decisions for roof restoration. Our impeccable service and high quality products will have your roof looking like new in a short amount of time. Besides saving money on your restoration project, the benefits of having a well maintained roof does wonders for your energy bill. This is especially so when your roof restoration is complete by professionals, like us.


With falls, broken limbs, and unfortunate deaths, working for a commercial roofing company can be extremely daunting. The roof repair services industry has been voted sixth in the top ten riskiest jobs in the world. It has been estimated that more than 50 roofers die each year. A roofer is a person who works on the maintenance of roofs. Our roofers provides roof maintenance, restoration, roof and cladding painting, roof rust control, roof sheeting and the installing of roof skylights. We are in an industry that is competitive and may be dangerous therefore our roofers may not only suffer from falls but also from burns by fires, explosions and other electrical hazards.

Quality Fix Roofing cares about the safety of our employees, we know the importance of safety and that is why we stress the fact that training is compulsory for our entire team.

The legislation of 1993 of the Health and Safety Amendment Act stresses to implement a working environment where health and safety comes first. An environment where there is supervision over all the work equipment and over the staff. When it comes to hazardous areas, employees need to ensure that they take action to resolve possible health and safety issues.

Safety awareness should include: 

  • Emergency produces are all taken into procedure
  • Reporting of injuries and unsafe conditions
  • Use of personal protective equipment
  • Reasons for each health and safety rule
  • Right to refuse to work in hazardous environments
  • Job description
  • Reasons for each health and safety rules

Training should include:

  • Knowledge about what is required for each job allocation
  • Discuss the individuals specific roles and responsibilities
  • Educating our employees about how to handle risks and hazardous procedures
  • Informing our employees on the roles and responsibilities of all the manages and supervisors
  • Training in the correct incident or accident investigation
  • The monitoring of quality health and safety programmes


Health and safety training provides us with a good and efficient working environment. When employees are safe and have the knowledge that is required of a roofer, this saves the company on insurance claims as well as other costs that may need to be paid for the injury of an employee. Training also saves us time because there will only be time to work and nothing extra like emergency calls.

Industrial & Commercial Roofing Specialists